New Thor poster hits web

I enjoyed the first Thor film. It wasn’t perfect but it did it’s job to establish Thor and Loki so they could be further utilized in The Avengers. My only real annoyance with the film was that I felt it was too short. Though it wasn’t that short, running at around 115 minutes in length, it still ran about ten minutes shorter then all of the other major Marvel movie tent poles including Captain America. I felt they could have added more to the movie with that ten minutes in terms of character development but I guess they got the job done without them.  To be honest, I didn’t put much thought into either Thor or The First Avenger simply because I felt those movies were designed to introduce plot elements for The Avengers (Thor introduced Loki and Captain America introduced the Cube). Like Iron Man 2, they were designed as stepping stones for The Avengers so they didn’t have to be fantastic, just good enough to cut down on The Avengers exposition. While I liked Captain America more (I like period pieces), I still enjoyed them both for what they were.

Now that The Avengers has come and gone and now that both characters are securely established in the Marvel movie world I feel we will finally get something more with their upcoming sequels. Today has posted a new poster for the upcoming sequel to Thor titled Thor: The Dark World. It is a nice looking poster though I will say it doesn’t bring anything new to the mix. You have Thor standing tall, his girlfriend, Jane, affectionately pressed against him and all the secondary characters surrounding them. Pretty standard for a big hero movie. Actually it reminds me a lot of the Attack of the Clones poster. Similar yet different.

















Thor: The Dark World will hit theaters this November.


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